Recipe notebook

Chocolate Easter eggs

Recipe by Astrid Fronteau @chhhop

Ingredients for 8 people :

Spoons :
200g Valrhona Guanaja dark chocolate
100g Valrhona Ivory chocolate
100g Valrhona Dulcey Chocolate
Grape seed oil

Slivered almonds
Gomasio Olivier Roellinger
Edible glitter


Take tablespoons and teaspoons and lightly oil them. Use the edge of a wooden board to keep the spoons horizontal, then protect your work surface with a sheet of parchment paper.
Melt the various chocolates in a bain-marie. Add the toppings of your choice: sprinkles, candy, dried fruit, popcorn, cornflakes. Once decorated, leave the chocolate to set for about 1 hour – it should not be completely dry.

Run a very flexible knife blade between the chocolate and the base to loosen the contents.

Set aside in a cool place and enjoy.

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