Recipe notebook

Falafels with fresh herbs

Recipe by Astrid Fronteau @chhhop

Ingredients (serves 4)

4 pita breads

50 g dried chickpeas

50 g Terroirs d’avenir spinach shoots

1 bunch parsley

1 bunch coriander

3 garlic cloves

1 small yellow onion

1 tsp cumin

1 tsp Olivier Roellinger green cardamom

1 tbsp baking powder

2 tablespoons flour



organic vegetable oil for frying

Garnish and condiments:

1 organic beet hummus

1 lawyer

1 pomegranate

1 red onion

1 bunch coriander

6 tbsp tahini

10 sprigs flat-leaf parsley

1/2 lemon

1/4 clove garlic

Falafel preparation :

Soak the chickpeas overnight in a very large volume of water. Drain, dry and place in a blender with the herbs, spices, minced garlic and onion, salt and pepper. Blend until smooth and slightly granular. Pour the contents into a bowl and add the flour and baking powder, then mix. Cover and refrigerate for 30 min. In a frying pan, gradually heat the vegetable oil (2mm thick) over medium heat. Using your hands, shape the chickpea dough into small balls and plunge them into the pan in small batches. Turn in oil until golden brown. Drain.

Finishing and straightening :

Lightly reheat the pita breads in the oven at 180°C for 5 min.

Cut lengthwise. Garnish with beet hummus, avocado pieces, chopped red onion and pomegranate seeds. Add the falafels, either whole or halved.

Mix the tahini with a little lemon, chopped parsley and crushed garlic. Add 1 tbsp water, salt and pepper. Spoon onto the sandwich and enjoy.

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