Recipe notebook

Snacked scallops, Iberian ham espuma and chestnut tuiles

Recipe by Astrid Fronteau @chhhop

Ingredients for4 starters :

12 Terroirs d’avenir scallops
2 slices bellota ham
1 shallot
25 cl Bordier whole milk
50g cooked chestnuts
100g Terra Candido Parmesan cheese
1 small parsnip Terroirs d’avenir
1 tablespoon sugar
A few leaves of Terroirs d’avenir chervil

Beurre Bordier
Salt and freshly ground pepper


First, infuse the milk, shallot and a slice of bellota ham in a saucepan. Keep the heat very low throughout the infusion.

At the same time, prepare the rest of the recipe.

First, peel and dice the parsnips. Sauté with salt and sugar over low heat in a drizzle of olive oil for 2 minutes. Then add a small amount of water (about 1/3 the height of the parsnip), cover and cook for 6/8 minutes over medium heat. Check for doneness with the tip of a knife.

While the parsnips are cooking, preheat the oven to 200°C (gas mark 8). Grate the Parmesan and crumble the chestnuts. On a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, arrange the Parmesan cheese to form 4 wedges, then sprinkle chestnut crumbs over each mound. Bake for 5/7 minutes. As soon as the Parmesan has melted into jagged tiles, remove the baking sheet from the oven. Be careful not to let them stain. Leave the tiles to cool, making sure they remain malleable so you can cut them into scallop-sized pieces. Prepare as many as the number of scallops.

Cut the second slice of ham into small squares and set aside.

Switch the oven to grill mode, place the scallops in a dish and spread a knob of butter on each one. As soon as the oven is hot, place in the oven for 3 minutes, no more.

During this cooking time, remove the infusion from the heat. Remove the ham and shallot, and emulsify the milk, leaving the mixer head halfway out of the milk.

Arrange 3 scallops, 3 tablespoons emulsion, parsnips and ham on plates. Finally, place the tiles on top of the scallops and sprinkle with finely chopped chervil.

Serve very quickly to preserve temperatures and textures!

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