Recipe notebook

Sparkling strawberries flavoured with Sichuan pepper, thyme ice cream and poppy crumble

Ingredients (serves 4) :

400g Gariguette strawberries

2 tablespoons brown sugar or vergeoise

zest of one lime

½ bunch mint

4 scoops thyme-infused ice cream

Ground Sichuan pepper

1 spoon poppy seeds

8 Breton shortbread

4 spoons popping candy

1 sprig lemon thyme


Remove the stems from the strawberries, cut into quarters and place in a bowl. Sprinkle with sugar and toss.

Chop the mint, zest the lime and add to the first preparation. Grind three turns of Sichuan pepper.

Spellir ice from vacationtheteur.

In a clean tea towel, arrange the shortbread and close the towel. Roll the rolling pin over the tea towel to form a powder. Keep a few coarse pieces. Place in a bowl, add the poppy seeds and mix.

Finishing and straightening

Place one or two generous spoonfuls of strawberries in the bottom of each dish. Make four scoops of ice cream and arrange over the strawberries. Sprinkle the poppy seed shortbread over the ice cream. Add the popping candy and a few sprigs of lemon thyme.

Serve and enjoy.

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